Thursday, December 27, 2012

The know, maybe

I got married!

That's right, just like my Lady Monica. Happily unlike her, I am not married to a pagan who's mean to me and cheers his offspring to dalliance and worldly ambition. Not that we have any offspring as yet, and I hope I can borrow some of St. Monica's tears when it comes to their salvation...I mean, I've got tears, but they're probably not as good, and plus I wanna use them for other stuff. Like laughing--exchange em for something a little more positiva in the via, if you know what I'm saying. Bottom line is, Monica the Man is indeed married, but he is not married to Patricius the Pagana, and both of these things are good.

(Sidenote: for any child we may have, I'll definitely put forth some variation of "Augustine" for his/her praenomen, which I know in advance is a doomed project, but maybe I can slide it in as a nickname, or even just an honorary title, which is what it was for Caesar Augustus. "Not praenomen, sweetie, just agnomen. He can say the alphabet, which I at least think is pretty--ahem ahem--GREAT. What can we...? Ah! Augustus! Yes, Augustus Alphabeti Declamator." It'll work.)

But I needn't think about any of that at the moment.

Right now we're just enjoying being around each other and giving presents and stuff, figuring out who does what and how well. Christmas was of course two days ago, which was our first one as a married couple, and yes I know I'm supposed to write about the Nativity and how commercialized Christmas is and how wrong that all is and offer up new ways of thinking about the Incarnation and how we should pay more attention to the Octave and the Gradual at the Pope's Mass (which is cool) and the pallium he just wore and so on. But no. Have you seen all the blogs about that? I'll just be a wallflower at that party. I'm pumped about my presents!

My excellent wife bought me two books: Hobbitus Ille, which is The Hobbit in Latin. Tolkien probably wouldn't have liked that...meh. Man's a genius, but he could be pretty crotchety; he didn't like a lot of stuff. I haven't gone through it yet, but the reason for that is...

She also got me The Founding of Christendom by Warren Carroll. Never read it, never heard of it, loving it. I've only read a couple of chapters, so I can't talk that much about it yet, but I will.

Other than that? Huh. I don't know. I'm a little rusty, but Monica Man might be back.