Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Words Screaming Resurrect Me

Throwing paper around at the office. That's my thing, that's what I do. But one advantage of having a brain that just won't quit is that I'm very rarely really bored--I can entertain myself with virtually nothing when there's virtually nothing to do. A disadvantage is that I'm too often at the brink of overstimulation, and when I cross that threshold it's zone out time. My friends, they have seen it, and they can testify to its truth.

Well today, in between bits of responsibility, I've been stuck on these two words I wish we still used.

(1) the prefix "alder-" or "alther-" meaning, "of all." I have seen it attached to "best," which creates a word that's superlative to the max. Now I think about it, I think it's always attached to a superlative, which makes sense. But just think if we still used this as a prefix! "How's your Latin these days?" "Are you kidding me? It's alderbest!"

(2) "sweven" meaning "dream" or even "vision" or possibly "sleep." I've already mentioned this word in a previous post, as I'm sure you all recognize. Oh, use it in a sentence, Monica Man! Okay, kids! "Some people in English departments (not psychology) still prattle on about Freud's Interpretation of Dreams, but it's as convoluted as a medieval sweven, and not half so pretty."

Get out there, people. Make it happen. Make me alderproudest.

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