Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Take THAT, men!

Tonight I saw a woman sporting a shirt that read: "If it wasn't for would still be sitting in caves scratching themselves," and I thought, "What?!?! You mean it's women that keep me from all my self-scratching-while-cave-sitting-in? Dang it, I knew those monks were on to something." Anyway, apparently whatever clever person it was that designed that shirt forgot that men do not self-spawn, so if it weren't for women, there wouldn't be any men at all--just the one Man, chillin' in the shade of the Tree of Life and hanging out with God in the cool of the day. Well, I guess you just have to enter the spirit of the thing, for the letter killeth.


Janet Cupo said...

My first thought when I read what the shirt said was that she must be trying to incite me to rise up and kill all women.


Monica the Man said...

So someone does read this thing other than Sally!

Killing all women would be a challenge, of course, but what worthy thing isn't? I just didn't understand the point of the shirt. Seems like you could find some sting-ier barbs than those, if you're into the whole let's-make-fun-of-men movement. Good grief. Watch a sit-com or something, you know?

Janet Cupo said...

Oh darn. I didn't mean, "incite me," I meant, "incite men." I personally have to desire to eliminate women.


Sally Thomas said...

Don't desire it, Janet! Don't!

I mean, "Shasitz!" That's what my code word says.

Monica the Man said...

Yes, the desire is key if you ever hope to accomplish it...though I suspect the first "to" is a typo? But anyway, I appreciate your honesty. I was going to make you an honorary man, but I understand if you want to be named among your sisters.

Monica the Man said...

...doomed to destruction though they are. Sorry about THAT, ladies. Caves and itches, here we come!

Janet said...

Augh! The to was supposed to be no. I should just give up.

I'll pass on the honorary man. Honor is more than I deserve.


Monica the Man said...

Honor is a heavy burden. But where did you get The Honorary Man, and to whom will you pass him?

Janet Cupo said...

Don't confuse me Aaron, it's the end of the semester and I'm using all my little gray cells for the disgusting ins-and-outs of Economics.


Monica the Man said...

Gasp! I am Monica the Man!

Economics? That is disgusting. My apologies.

Janet Cupo said...

Oh, forgive me. See, just one mistake after another.

My verification word is caroftsh which, in the swishy letters in which it is written, looks like car of fish.